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2024-10-12: bonjour, sqiff
2024-10-09: september
2024-09-07: all good
2024-09-02: fffuck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2024-08-29: august and fringe
2024-08-03: untitled (3)
2024-07-29: untitled (2)
2024-07-20: glasgow pride
2024-07-15: my 25th birthday
2024-06-29: big city
2024-06-22: edinburgh pride
2024-06-01: may
2024-05-02: it's may already, somehow
2024-04-24: nice tings are possible
2024-04-08: it's all a lot
2024-04-03: untitled 2
2024-03-27: jesus crucificion cake for easter
2024-03-03: recent happenings
2024-02-27: 2023 summary
2023-12-21: top 5 skincare of 2023
2023-09-10: fighting brain fog
2023-09-25: creative experiment documentation
2023-09-06: untitled (1)
2023-08-25: my style evolution
2023-08-18: edinburgh fringe
2023-08-10: sooo busy (not really)
2023-08-07: another week
2023-08-03: just thinking
2023-07-15: birthday n pride