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may was an exhausting month. i had to travel back to orkney near the start, which was the first time i'd travelled alone in quite some time. i've had to do a lot of sad and unpleasant phone calls (i hate phone calls, even with people i like speaking to. anything Official is genuinely difficult for me), and so many emails...

i won't go into details, but until this month we've not paid for broadband in over a year. we finally got it this month, which involved fibre being installed in the house. and... 4 different tech support phone calls. harrowing stuff. anyway, now i have a good internet connection- huzzah.

i saw druha rika on the 20th and andy the doorbum on the 25th. then just on thursday (the 30th) my bf and i went to edinbourgh, in large part to see a friend of a friend's art exhibiton at the whitespace gallery. it made me think about aging and lots of things, and for once it wasn't a horrible negative looming over my head.

photo showing a phone cable between 2 buildings, with 3 pairs of shoes haning off of it a photo of benches sitting in water that has flooded the path. the sky is clearly reflected in it a photo of a seagull sitting on part of the edinbourgh fountain, looking into the camera

i'm thinking i should try skateboarding more seriously again. i haven't been on my board really at all since moving, pretty much entirely due to anxiety of Being Seen. in orkney there was never a high chance of there being many other people at the skatepark, whereas here, you're unlikely to ever be alone. also, skateboarding is just so cool, being seen not being very good is especially scary. but i should try to get over that.

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