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my 25th birthday


i'm so upset with myself, because i totally forgot somehow to take photos of 1. the treats kane arranged nicely on the table in the living room for me, and 2. the really great white chocolate-iced cake he made for me. it was like red velvet, except white and even sweeter, with strawberry jam between the layers. it was sooooo good!!!!

he also got a limited edition wine from two raccoons made out of surplus blackcurrants. the business makes limited edition wines out of all kinds of different fruits, it seems like a really neat concept

we went to a concert in the evening at stereo, which i think was our first time. we saw tangled hair, sweet pill, and into it. over it. - getting to see emo bands live for my birthday was great. it is well and truly not a phase (i used birthday money from my mum for the tickets)... getting ID'd doesn't upset me like it does some people, but it is bizarre being asked for your ID at age 25. also, the security guard told kane that he 'has a better beard than jesus'

(photos of the bands will be here)

two hands fistbumping, with smiley faces drawn on

they drew on the backs of our hands instead of giving out wristbands to get back in, which i thought was a nice touch

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